Friday, November 12, 2010

Thirty Days of Thanksgiving: Day 12

Today, I am thankful for:

39.  knitting how-to videos on youtube.  I learned "k tbl" tonight.  =)

This is what I'm working on:
Last Sunday, Mr. Hubs found out about a group of guys that play ultimate frisbee on Saturdays, so a few days ago he asked for a pair of fingerless gloves.  I had originally started with a different pattern that used size 2 needles.  Unfortunately, I was not making progress quickly enough, so I frogged it.  Then flipping through my Knit Simple magazine I saw these, and although they don't have the half finger parts that the other gloves had, these seemed like they would knit up a lot faster.

I don't think I'll have them done by tomorrow though....  =)  So, hopefully by next week, he'll get to use them.

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